5 files in this section
Flash update file to update the HP 49G's ROM to version C-1.18. Also includes emulator ROM update.
2010-02-28 ⊥ 2939 views
Flash update file to update the HP 49g+'s ROM to version C-2.00, build 50. This is the official 2.00 release. Adds the equation library, much better support for the full 80-line screen, support for FAT32-formatted SD cards, a completely rewritten keyboard handler to reduce the number of missed keystrokes, and many bugfixes. This version is designed to be installed from a FAT16-formatted SD card.
2010-01-12 ⊥ 2922 views
Flash update file to update the ROM of the HP 49g+ and HP 50g to version C-2.09, build 92. This is the official HP release. Also includes emulator ROM update.
2010-02-28 ⊥ 3481 views
Flash update file to update the ROM of the HP 49g+ and HP 50g to version C-2.15. Also includes updates to the equation library and periodic table library. This is the latest official supported release. Also includes emulator ROM update.
2010-02-28 ⊥ 8090 views
Flash update file to update the HP 49G's ROM to the unsupported beta version B-1.19-6. This beta ROM is not supported by HP and is to be used AT YOUR OWN RISK. Also includes emulator ROM update. The above installation directions are not valid with this ROM, so please read the included 49.html before installing because you will need to back up the 64KB bank of flash memory.
2010-02-28 ⊥ 3279 views