3 files in this section

HP Calculator Plotting Utilities

Name∨ | Date

geohp 1.149 series | 224KB

Dynamic geometry software (like geogebra). You can create geometrical figures with lines, circles, curves and move a point. Zoom in/out, scrolling, moving a point are made in real time (with 16 grey levels). Program and documentation are in English and in French. Written with HPGCC for the 49g+ and 50g only.

2010-12-24 ⊥ 2308 views

By Tanguy Briancon

INT1D 1.049 series | 100KB

Fast plotter and numerical integrals and sums of algebraic expressions using hpgcc2. Speed is 50 to 100x faster than User RPL. Sums from 1 to 100,000 in about 1 second. For the 50g and 49g+ only. Runs in RPL with stack entry mode. SD card is required (takes 80KB on the card). Full C-source is included.

2010-12-24 ⊥ 2573 views

By Gjermund Skailand

plotxyz 1.0149 series | 50.6KB

Plots parametric equations in the form x=(u,v) y=(u,v) z=(u,v). For the ARM-based calculators.

2010-12-24 ⊥ 2226 views

By Patrick Offret