11 files in this section

HP Calculator Fonts

Name∨ | Date

Arabic Numbers 1.0049 series | 1.59KB

Standard FONT8 with the numerals changed to arabic ones.

2010-03-17 ⊥ 2542 views

By Georg Zotti

Carre 6/8 1.0049 series | 2.13KB

Two new system fonts: Carre 6 and Carre 8.

2010-03-17 ⊥ 2571 views

By Ciro Biancofiore

CedFonte 1.049 series | 15.5KB

Replacement for the HP 49 system font.

2010-03-17 ⊥ 2668 views

By Cédric Harrois

Comic_DL 1.049 series | 2.53KB

Comic_DL is a font for the HP 49G like the Windows font Comic Sans.

2010-03-17 ⊥ 2654 views

By Damien Lallement

Énfasis 1.049 series | 10.4KB

A font for the HP 49. It's similar to bold and has some characteristics to make text look nicer.

2010-03-17 ⊥ 2442 views

By Jorge Cevallos M.

Font89 1.0049 series | 2.83KB

Two fonts similar to the font in the TI-89.

2010-03-16 ⊥ 2560 views

By David Haguenauer

FONT8SUB 1.049 series | 2.77KB

Allows Font8 subscripts 0-9 and a-z in expressions or equations by replacing the default font's lesser-used accented characters. Accessed with the CHARS map.

2010-03-19 ⊥ 2598 views

By Bill Markwick

Fonts 1.0049 series | 961bytes

The smallest and best program to toggle between different font sizes.

2010-03-19 ⊥ 2415 views

By Wolfgang Rautenberg

JKH Fonts 1.0049 series | 2.26KB

Two fonts designed for high readability, one styled for Europeans and one styled for Americans.

2010-03-16 ⊥ 2474 views

By Joseph K. Horn

MFED 1.049 series | 7.50KB

MFED is a MINIFONT editor that is only 123.5 bytes in size. It uses the built-in font editor interface. The editor transforms the MINIFONT into a 6x6 font for editing, and then crops each character bitmap down to 6x4. Tested on ROM 1.24 and 2.15.

2010-12-24 ⊥ 2483 views

By Han Duong

Raymond's FONT7 1.0049 series | 1.40KB

New 7 pixel system font that is easier to read.

2010-03-16 ⊥ 2676 views

By Raymond Del Tondo