13 files in this section
Demo written in assembly language that draws points moving around in circles.
2010-03-14 ⊥ 2580 views
Based on the paper "Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters" by Craig W. Reynolds, this program implements three of the steering behaviors described therein: seek with arrival, wander with collision avoidance, and path following. Use the right arrow key to cycle through the behaviors and the ON key to quit. For the ARM-based calculators only.
2010-03-14 ⊥ 2375 views
Three more steering behaviors animations. Cycle through them with the right arrow key and quit with the ON key. You can freeze the screen with the left arrow key, and press the down down key to go on. For the ARM-based calculators.
2010-03-14 ⊥ 2217 views
The program plays a BVH (Biovision Hierarchical Data) file. Includes sample files. For the ARM-based calculators.
2010-03-14 ⊥ 2563 views
Demo of the SIN function on the unit circle. It's written in assembly language and includes full MASD-syntax source code.
2010-01-11 ⊥ 3054 views
The program plays a MD2 file (Quake 2 file format). Includes three sample files. For the ARM-based calculators.
2010-03-14 ⊥ 2327 views
The program draws some polyhedrons. Now has a new interface and has more polyhedra. For the ARM-based calculators.
2010-03-14 ⊥ 2399 views
This program reads the stack for as many successive grobs as can fit in memory, and then makes a slideshow crossfading between them.
2010-03-14 ⊥ 2305 views
Displays squares moving across the screen. The quantity, direction, speed, and frequency of direction change of the squares can be changed in the code, and there are both black on white and white on black versions. For large-screen calculators only (49g+ and 50g).
2010-03-14 ⊥ 2338 views
A stars screensaver for the large screen models (49g+ and 50g). Includes both Saturn assembly and ARM-compiled C versions.
2010-03-14 ⊥ 2414 views
The program draws some surfaces from their parametric equations. For the ARM-based calculators.
2010-03-14 ⊥ 2297 views