UEdit User-RPL Programming Development Tools 2.0.0





HP Platform

48 & 49 series


UEdit is an IDE for the development of User RPL programs for the 48 and 49 series. UEdit has a friendly text editor to create and edit User RPL programs, and is capable of displaying special programming ASCII characters. Has a grob editor to create and modify graphical images for GUI-based User RPL programs (colored GROBs can be displayed when running UCalc), keyboard key label designer to create labels code in program to display when running UCalc, and PC<->HP I/O transfer tool using drag and drop operations to transfer User RPL projects and program variables to and from the calculator via Conn4x. For Windows 7, Vista, or XP, requiring .NET Framework 3.5.

Developed by

| Stanley H. H. Lui |

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Sorry but it was not tested yet. I'm working on it..

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