5 files in this section

HP Calculator Library Tools

Name∧ | Date

Split 4.200449 series | 2.93KB

Perhaps the smallest library splitter - less than 125 bytes. And it splits even internal libraries like lib 2 (most User RPL commands) or lib 221 with the new 49 user commands DISPXY etc. For splitting library 2 with 67 pages of most user commands only 10_s are needed, and for the still larger CAS lib 222 (80 pages!) less than 15_s. Rompointer references to the library commands are not replaced by names from the source directory which is sometimes very useful.

2010-01-13 ⊥ 2359 views

By Wolfgang Rautenberg

LTools Emailware 1.049 series | 5.30KB

All the library tools you need, including the LMenu tools.

2010-01-11 ⊥ 2442 views

By Peter F. Geelhoed

LMenu 1.049 series | 2.27KB

LMenu allows you to customize your library menu. It displays the menu much faster than the build-in library menu. Also see Libman.

2010-01-13 ⊥ 2728 views

By Peter F. Geelhoed

Libman 2.2003/1.200449 series | 22.3KB

A comfortable tool for managing the LIB menu on the LIB key which cannot be rearranged with the Filer. With about 20 libs the LIB key becomes intolerably slow. Libman sets up a full-screen browser for all attached libs with a rich menu for customization of the LIB menu and other manipulation with libs. You can organize the LIB menu in pages, a separate page for game libs, for port entries etc. Libs not needed directly may temporarily "sleep" (they remain active). In a satellite command browser HELP on a lib command may be consulted exactly as in the CAT browser. On the 49G+, this also provides an easy means of accessing files on the SD card. Contains HTML documentation.

2010-01-11 ⊥ 2389 views

By Wolfgang Rautenberg

LibEx 4.249 series | 3.29KB

Fastest library splitter. Splits directly from port memory, so it doesn't require extra memory.

2010-01-11 ⊥ 2485 views

By Peter F. Geelhoed